Hi!  My name is Lucas Conrad and IÕm a Cub Scout with Pack 824.


This Fall we are selling popcorn & evergreen wreaths to help raise money for our Pack,


and so that I can go to Camp.


You can support us by buying some of our items.


WonÕt you help me reach our goal?


I would be very grateful.



Using the link below, you can see the popcorn products and prices.


And using the links below that, you can see the wreaths and their prices.



(1) http://www.conradweb.org/family/scouts/Popcorn_List_w_Prices_2013.tiff


(2) http://www.conradweb.org/family/scouts/Wreath_Brochure_2013.pdf


(3) http://www.conradweb.org/family/scouts/Wreath_Prices_2013.tiff



If you are interested in placing an order, you can email my Dad and we will record it. 


We will also stop by to complete the order form with you.


Thanks again for your support and willingness to make a difference!