Poem ― Michele Singer (Doug’s Sister) ― April 22, 2005
The house that Doug built is filled to the brim with family and friends and their friends and a few people that will be friends soon and didn’t have a place to go.
The house that Doug built is filled with music and laughter and 4-5 instruments from around the world and my grandfather’s mandolin.
The house that Doug built is filled with tickles and giggles and horsy rides and snuggly bedtime stories and endless patience and wonder in the joys of childhood.
The house that Doug built has a sound-proof room so you can keep having fun even if most people are tired and want to go to sleep.
The house that Doug built has a really big shower to the whole family can practice singing in the rain.
The house that Doug built has doors that open on every corner of the earth. Fascination and a desire to help stream from within.
The house that Doug built has a library filled with books. The encyclopedia he devoured in grade school, medical journals, fantasies, Uncle John’s bathroom reader, and a copy of the onion. There are probably a few books about diarrhea but I really never looked.
The house that Doug built has a hotline for his family built in. Used for emergencies, life planning and the sharing of joy. The happiness of others is always multiplied in the sharing.
In the house that Doug built there are pictures on the wall. A tangible record of adventures with friends, the admiration of other cultures and the growth of his family. In all he is smiling.
In the house that Doug built there are keys under a cushion and a cell phone behind the seat of his car under a sweatshirt.
The house that Doug built has a 3-story staircase ready made for the most intense hot wheel track ever!
In the house that Doug built there is a big wine cellar and a kitchen filled with delicious food but everything is different so you don’t have to waste time tasting the same thing twice.
The house that Doug built is filled to the brim with family and friends and their friends and a few people that will be friends soon and didn’t have a place to go.